Photo of Charles Jonga

Message from Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa on the Passing of Charles Jonga

It is with heavy hearts and deep sorrow that we note the passing of CLN Vice Chairperson Comrade Charles Jonga.


Charles was an icon, a legend and exemplary leader for community conservation. Comrade Jonga was not just a pillar for CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe but an inspiration to young conservation leaders across Southern Africa.

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Six people posing in front of the UN emblem.

CLN sees opportunities at the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues

As the Chairperson of Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa, I participated in the recent 22nd Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) held in New York, USA. It was a real eye opener for me, as I started to appreciate the challenges, abuse and human rights infringements that over 6.7 million indigenous peoples around the world have had to endure. 

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I woman with a basket on her head walks along a tarred road.

Improving Governance of Community Wildlife Management Areas in a key Wildlife Corridor in Tanzania

Community Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in Tanzania are lands designated for wildlife conservation and managed by rural communities. Every five years, the villages associated with particular WMAs elect leaders to run their Community-Based Organisation (CBO) that is recognised by government as an Authorised Association mandated to manage their WMAs. Well-managed WMAs should achieve the twin goals of wildlife conservation and generating socio-economic benefits for community members.

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The cost of living with deadly wildlife

 The Cost of Living with Wildlife

As narrated by Mr. Liberty Chauka – Zimbabwe


One day as we were walking in the forest, a raucous high-pitched sound of hadida ibises disturbed the feeding pride of lions as we were approaching close by. This was followed by the grumbling of lions that were feeding on our cattle. Fortunately, we were a group of young boys and two men, and we managed to chase them and recovered the livestock carcass.

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CLN 1 Year Anniversary

Its official, CLN is ONE Year Old. After operating loosely since 2019 when it was convened, CLN was officially formalised on the 22nd of October 2021. With its Chairmanship based in Zambia and its Secretariat in Namibia, and representation in 7 other Southern African Countries, CLN has grown significantly to be the lead CBNRM coordinating body in Southern Africa, ensuring that the voices of the often-marginalised communities are heard.  Please see official statement here: CLN@1 Statement

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